Managed Hosting – What are they managing?

Are you being lulled into believing you are on a managed server when you rent your server from the likes of and other data centers stating they are offering managed servers? What does it really mean when a data center provider states they offer managed...

Why cheap hosting really limits the growth of your site

When it comes to sayings, one of the older ones is “if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!” The hard part when it comes to choosing a hosting provider when you have approximately 32,000 hosting providers in the United States alone tied to various...

Cheap hosting Dirty Little Secrets

A few weeks ago, Iron Chef, Michael Symon was on the Dr. Oz show sharing with viewers, Restaurant’s Dirty Little Secrets… that if you only knew… there would be certain items you would never order, always question, and so on. Over the past fifteen...

Hidden Costs of Choosing a Server Management Team

It’s the age old question when you’re buying almost anything…especially in this economy: Where is that target intersection where price meets quality to determine great value for your dollar? I was recently working with a potential client on an...