Have you ever taken a sales call where you absolutely knew you could solve the prospective customer’s pain for a reasonable investment (that in the long run would actually save them money), only to have them drop their mouth to the floor and complain your... CloudLinux is an operating system based on CentOS and OpenVZ bringing a more secure, out of the box, operating system which allows a shared hosting environment to mimic a VPS-like environment for each hosting customer. if you could imagine a refrigerator whose... One of the common questions I hear from business stewards is, “How do I know what type of hosting to get? Will shared hosting be enough?” I also hear the variations of the above that often come in the form of, “my _______ told me I needed a dedicated... A short while back I was reflecting on ways to share what high value, high quality hosting looks like to the customer. Can that picture be expanded? What are some key points between a cheap (aka budget or commodity) provider and a quality (aka premium) provider? Let... More and more Web designers, IT (LAN, WAN, computer networking, computer repair) companies, and SEO (search engine optimization and search engine marketing) firms are offering Web hosting services to supplement their income. Some of this companies do so from a...